Angular Tutorial
Angular is a popular open-source Typescript framework created by Google for developing web applications. Front-end developers use frameworks like Angular or React to present and manipulate data efficiently and dynamically. Angular has been actively updated and become has more and more efficient with time, especially since the time the core functionality was moved to different modules.
Newly added angular CLI & with the help of this command-line interface, we can install the required packages that facilitate creation & make the complex-structured code into a modular form that can be easy to manage and provide reusable components.
Features of Angular
- It uses components and directives. Components are the directives with a template.
- It is written in Microsoft’s TypeScript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6).
- Angular is supported by all the popular mobile browsers.
- Properties enclosed in “()” and “[]” are used to bind data between the view and the model.
- It provides support for TypeScript and JavaScript.
- Angular uses @Route Config{(…)} for routing configuration.
- It has a better structure compared to AngularJS, easier to create and maintain for large applications but behind AngularJS in the case of small applications.
- It comes with the Angular CLI tool.
Why to Learn Angular?
Angular is a great framework and is very beneficial because of its features, structure, ecosystem, and support. Here’s why:
- Community support: It is developed and maintained by Google. Also, it is based on typescript which is created by Microsoft. Hence it has a big community support.
- Free of Cost: Since it is an open-source language, therefore developers are allowed to use its components and all methods for free.
- Easy to learn: It has a big community and many resources are available
- TypeScript: Angular is a typescript-based framework which is a statically typed superset of javascript.
- Angular CLI: Angular CLI helps in simplification processes like creating, building, and deploying the application.
- Cross-Platform Development: With NativeScript it is used to build dynamic mobile-based applications.
Applications of Angular
- Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Angular is particularly well-suited for building SPAs, where a single webpage is created and content is dynamically updated as the user interacts.
- Real-Time Applications: Angular is most used in real-time applications, such as chat applications, weather and forecasting, and live tracking systems, where immediate updates are essential.
- Enterprise Applications: Angular is commonly used for developing large-scale enterprise applications. Its modular architecture, dependency injection, and TypeScript support make it suitable for building complex and maintainable applications.
- Content Management Systems (CMS): Angular can be used to build custom content management systems, providing a dynamic and responsive user interface for managing content.
- E-commerce Websites: Angular’s two-way data binding and dynamic features make it suitable for building interactive e-commerce websites with real-time updates and user interactions.
- Dashboards and Analytics Tools: Angular is used to create interactive dashboards and analytics tools, it helps in data visualization and crucial real-time updates.
- Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: With frameworks like Ionic or NativeScript, Angular is used to build cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android operating systems.
- Social Media Applications: Angular is used widely for building social media applications with dynamic content rendering, and interactive features.
Angular Basics
- Introduction to Angular
- Setting up Angular Development Environment
- Creating Your First Angular App
- Architecture of Angular Applications
- Components and Templates
- Data Binding in Angular
- Directives in Angular
- Services and Dependency Injection
- Angular Modules
- Pipes in Angular
Angular Versions
- Angular 2
- Angular 4
- Angular 5
- Angular 6
- Angular 7
- Angular 8
- Angular 9
- Angular 10
- Angular 11
- Angular 12
- Angular 13
- Angular 14
- Angular 15
- Angular 16
- Angular 17
Angular CheatSheet
The cheat sheet is a quick reading manual that will help you to revise all the concepts at a glance. The detailed description is covered in the Angular Cheat Sheet – A Basic Guide to Angular Article.
Angular Frequevtly asked Questions
What is Angular?
Ans: Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source framework for building client-side applications. It is developed and maintained by Google.
What are the key features of Angular?
Ans: Key features of angular are Angular Directives, Two way data bining, Angular CLI and Routing.
What are Angular Dierectives?
Ans: The Directive is generally a built-in class that includes the additional behavior to elements in the Angular Applications.
What are Decorators in Angular?
Ans: The Decorators are the function that is called with the prefix @ symbol, immediately followed by the class, methods, or property.
What is Angular CLI?
Ans: Angular has its own command-line interface that provide simple and easy steps to create, develop, build, and deploy Angular Applications.
What are Angular Pipes?
Ans: Pipes in Angular can be used to transform the strings, currency amounts, dates, and other data, without affecting the actual content.
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