TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing. Developed and maintained by Microsoft Corporation, TypeScript combines the familiar syntax of JavaScript with additional features and a robust type system. Improved Code Maintainability by catching errors early during development, making code easier to understand and modify.
TypeScript Tutorial
TypeScript Basics
Introduction to TypeScript
Difference between TypeScript and JavaScript
How to install TypeScript ?
Hello World in TypeScript
How to execute TypeScript file using command line?
Variables in TypeScript
What are the different keywords to declare variables in TypeScript ?
Identifiers and Keywords in TypeScript
TypeScript primitive types
TypeScript Object types
TypeScript other types
TypeScript combining types
TypeScript Assertions
TypeScript Functions
TypeScript interfaces and aliases
TypeScript classes
How to Extend an Interface from a class in TypeScript ?
How to Create an Object in Typescript ?
How to use getters/setters in TypeScript ?
TypeScript Inheritance
When to use interfaces and when to use classes in TypeScript ?
Generics Interface in typescript
How to use property decorators in TypeScript ?
TypeScript modules
TypeScript Arrays
TypeScript Arrays
TypeScript | Array push() Method
TypeScript Array slice() Method
TypeScript Array splice() Method
TypeScript Array reverse() Method
TypeScript Array reduce() Method
TypeScript Array concat() Method
TypeScript Array some() Method
TypeScript | Array shift() Method
TypeScript | Array map() Method
TypeScript | Array indexOf() Method
Array filter() Method - TypeScript
TypeScript | Array reduceRight() Method
TypeScript | Array join() Method
TypeScript | Array unshift() Method
TypeScript | Array sort() Method
TypeScript | Array lastIndexOf() Method
TypeScript | Array pop() Method
TypeScript | Array unshift() Method
TypeScript | Array forEach() Method
TypeScript Array toString() Method
Typescript String
TypeScript String
TypeScript | String Constructor Property
TypeScript String toLowerCase() Method
TypeScript String toString() Method
TypeScript | String toLocaleUpperCase() Method
TypeScript | String substring() Method
TypeScript | String substr() Method
TypeScript String split() Method
TypeScript | String valueOf() Method
TypeScript | String replace() Method
TypeScript | String toLocaleLowerCase() Method
TypeScript | String lastIndexOf() Method
TypeScript | String slice() Method with example
TypeScript | String concat() Method
TypeScript | String indexOf() Method
TypeScript | String Length Property
TypeScript | String search() Method
TypeScript String Prototype Property
TypeScript | String charCodeAt() Method