Comparison between Go & Node.js
Go: Go or Golang is a statically typed, open-source procedural-oriented programming language. It was designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, and it was released on the 10th of November 2009. The language was designed using C programming language so the syntax of the language is quite similar to C language. However, Golang has some additional features like memory safety, garbage collection, concurrency, etc. There are many big organizations that use the Go language like Uber, DailyMotion, Soundcloud, Medium, Docker, Intel, Baidu, Twitch, Google itself, and many more. For creating static websites, server development, web scraping, and designing backend Golang is mostly preferred. But due to the being slower and verbose it is still not so popular....
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GoLang vs. Node.js: Which One to Choose for 2024?
In the world of Web Development, picking the right framework and language is a big deal—it’s like choosing the best tool for a tough job. Picture comparing two top-notch gadgets, each with its own special abilities. When to consider GoLang and Node.js, are two powerful technologies that have completely transformed the way we do backend programming or server-side programming....
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How to Remove Duplicate Values from Slice in Golang?
An array is a data structure. Similarly, in Golang we have slice which is more flexible, powerful, lightweight and convenient than array. As slice is more flexible than array therefore, its flexibility is determined in terms of its size. Just like an array, it has indexing value and length but its size is not fixed. When we declare a slice we do not specify the size of it. Syntax:...
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Difference Between Go and Python Programming Language
Golang is a procedural programming language. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language. Programs are assembled by using packages, for efficient management of dependencies. This language also supports environment adopting patterns alike to dynamic languages. Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code. Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently....
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complx.Phase() Function in Golang with Examples
In Go language, cmplx packages supply basic constants as well as mathematical functions for the complex numbers. The Phase() function in Go language is used to return the phase (also called the argument) of a given number. Moreover, this function is defined under the cmplx package. Here, you need to import “math/cmplx” package in order to use these functions....
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How to Get Current Date and Time in Various Format in Golang?
Package “time” in Golang provides functionality for measuring and displaying time. The calendrical calculations always assume a Gregorian calendar, with no leap seconds. Using the “time.Now()” function you can get the date and time in the “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.milliseconds timezone” format. This is simplest way for getting the date and time in golang....
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How to Generate Random String/Characters in Golang?
We might want to generate random strings or even sets of characters to perform some operations or add certain string-related functionality into an application. We can randomly get a character from a set of characters, randomize the order of characters of a given string or generate a random string. We can use the rand, encoding package in Golang. In this article, we will see how to generate random strings in Golang....
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How to Read File Word By Word in Golang?
File reading is such an important aspect of a programming language. We need to perform certain operations programmatically, using automation in file reading/writing allows us to create certain programs/projects which might have looked impossible otherwise....
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Copy an Array by Value and Reference into Another Array in Golang
Array in Golang is a numbered sequence of elements of the same type. The size of the array is fixed. We can access the elements by their index. You can declare an array of size n and type T specifying this way mentioned below....
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How to create a Struct Instance Using a Struct Literal in Golang?
A structure or struct in Golang is a user-defined data type which is a composition of various data fields. Each data field has its own data type, which can be a built-in or another user-defined type. Struct represents any real-world entity which has some set of properties/fields. For Example, a student has a name, roll number, city, department. It makes sense to group these four properties into a single structure address as shown below....
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Import in GoLang
Pre-requisite learning: Installing Go on Windows / Installing Go on MacOS...
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strings.Compare() Function in Golang with Examples
The Compare() function is an inbuilt function in the Golang programming language which is used to compare two strings. It is used to compare two strings in lexicographical order (order in which the words are arranged alphabetically, similar to the way we search words in dictionary) or to find out if the strings are equal or not. It returns an integer value as follows:...
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