If you want to run a JavaScript script through the Terminal, you’ll first need to make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:...
The fs.writeFileSync() method is a synchronous method. It creates a new file if the specified file does not exist. Also, the ‘readline-sync’ module is used to enable user input at runtime....
NPM (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js and is written entirely in JavaScript. It manages all the packages and modules for Node.js and includes a command-line client, npm. NPM is installed automatically with Node.js....
In Node.js, the fs (File System) module furnishes a collection of methods for interacting with the file system. Among these methods, fs.readFile() stands out as a fundamental tool for reading data from files asynchronously. This article will delve into the fs.readFile() method, exploring its syntax, parameters, usage, and error handling....
fs.writeFile() method is used to asynchronously write the specified data to a file. By default, the file would be replaced if it exists. The ‘options’ parameter can be used to modify the functionality of the method....
For web applications to communicate with servers using the HTTP protocol, developers commonly use Fetch or Axios. Both are similar, but some prefer Axios for their simplicity. However, Fetch, a built-in API, is also powerful and can do what Axios does....
Installing a specific version of Node.js and npm can be essential for compatibility reasons or to work with legacy projects. In this guide, we’ll go through the steps to install an older version of Node.js and npm on your system....
Node.js can be installed in multiple ways on a computer. The approach used by you depends on the existing Node.js development environment in the system. There are different package installers for different environments. You can install Node.js by grabbing a copy of the source code and compiling the application. Another way of installing Node.js is by cloning the Node.js GIT repository in all three environments and then installing it on the system....
The findByIdAndUpdate() function is used to find a matching document, updates it according to the update arg, passing any options, and returns the found document (if any) to the callback....
ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 is the 6th edition of the ECMAScript language specification standard. It defines the standard on how to implement JavaScript....
The res.redirect() function redirects to the URL derived from the specified path, with specified status, an integer (positive) which corresponds to an HTTP status code. The default status is “302 Found”....
The res.sendFile() function transfers the file at the given path and it sets the Content-Type response HTTP header field based on the filename extension....